Saturday, February 21, 2009

Feb. 21st-Homeless in Houston-the final week

" So, do not fear, for I am with you. Do not e dismayed, for I am your God. I will stenghten yo and hep you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All who rage against you will be surely ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish."
Isaiah 41: 10-11

My cousin, Gerry Perry Lindler sent me this as one of her favorites. That surely is neat! Do you just suppose God might eventually bring down that tyrant over in EQ who not only screwed up our lives, but think of all the helpless people that have to live under his despotic rule.

At least we had a chance to get out and create another life. I think of the poor people that passed throughout my life during our short time in Equatorial Guinea: Elena, the maid, the men who came an worked on our house (I called them our little "fairies" as all I had to do was pick up a phone and call and things were miraculousy fixed); the bus drivers who were so friendly and willing to take me into town and speak Spanish and French to me so that I could practice; Fernando Modu, the extremely patient transportation coordinator; and who could forget Ike my wonderful Nigerian hairdresser and the lovely ladies at the salon on Calle Nigeria. Our Spanish teacher at the Spanish Cultural Center, The Lebanese owners of the pastry shoppe!! Ouch, I miss those poor people and feel bad for their situation. They have to live it daily. So very sad witnessing man's inhumanity to man up close and personal like this. Now I've been in three African nations and seen pretty much the same brutality in each one-despotic leaders from Ben Ali in Tunisia, to Conte in Guinea, to Obiang in Equatorial Guinea-all they care about is keeping their powers at the expense of their people, taking away from their people to feather their own nests-kind of sounds like Congress, doesn't it? Oh, well, I'll try to refrain from ranting about the US politics as it cannot (as of yet) hold a candle to African politics.

Anyway, back to the homeless. We met with Marathon Oil HR yesterday and finally have some direction. Oh, everything isn't 100% clear as of yet, but we did get some commitments in writing and they finally acknowledged that we had been screwed and they owed us something. Stay to go to the eye doctor and use our benefits in case Jim doesn't keep his employment with them. I'll relate the details later.

Basically, Marathon has offered Jim a severance package or a job in Findlay, Ohio. Do I relish livng in Finday? NOT. But we'll take it, because it's a job. But if they don't offer it, at least we have a pretty good severance package until Jim finds something else. My emotions are on this continual roller coaster-I am really tired of uncertaintly. But at least they did offer us in the sevrance package enough to sustain us for awhile. We are putting this decision in God's hands as Jim has done all he can to make things happen. He has pushed Marathon to make a decision, he has interviewed for a job, and now, it's truly out of our control. So, if Marathon offers him the job, we take it; if not, God must want Jim to look elsewhere.en

Our Angels, Charles and Janet Hall are going to let us keep our stuff at their house when we fly to CA to get our car. Then we'll drive back and pick it up on our way to either Florida or Ohio. The thing I'm having to get used to is that no matter what, we will be living out of these same suitcases for at least six more months-but probably longer as we are not counting on ever seeing our stuff from EQ again. YUK!

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