Thursday, February 5, 2009

Final Outcome

Well, it's finally been decided. Jim is not allowed back into EQ Guinea and is deemed a threat to the government by the President (Obiang) himself! It's hard to believe that we are in the midst of this insanity. But, we are. I attended a Bible Study yesterday and there were at least 30 women praying for our future, and this decision was made today; ergo, this is God will, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why God allowed us to go over there, why He opened up all the doors, and then allowed this to happen. But, it doesn't matter, I guess. I suppose we still must believe that "all things work together for the good..." But I am still saddened for Jim; he's so decent and good at what he does and doesn't deserve this.


  1. Dearest Beth and Jim,

    Our hearts go out to you as you confront this new reality.

    I can't believe this is happening.

    What I do know, though: You will both land on your feet, excited about the next adventure when that manifests. You will proceed without missing a beat, in your own unique rhythm.

    Meantime, take good care of yourselves and each other in this transition.


  2. Chere,

    Hanging in there- but not to resilient according to the test you sent. Missed two! Ah, me. I'm sure my real age is going up into the stratosphere!
