Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Feb. 25-Homeless in Houston-3 Days Til Liftoff

Well, today I went to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). This is a wonderful, organized non-denominational Bible study that I would highly recommend. Having attended one similar in the 70's, I can attest that you will learn more about scripture and God's purpose in your life.

Another Angel, Sharon Mineer, picked me up. This was arranged by Angel Janet Hall. Part of me didn't want to go, since I'm out of here on Saturday, so what the heck; but the stronger part of me said, "Just GO!" (Figured that must have been God, so go I did)!

Oh, my WOW! I know God was speaking to each of us through the lesson, but He really screamed at me! The lesson was from Numbers 11-Complaints and Numbers 12 Criticism-oooo, ohhh, ouch! I'll just list a few of the lessons that were taught both in the small group and the general lecture. I will also add my asides as they apply to me:

1. God will silence complainers and criticizers. (Youch)!
2. Complaining angers God.
3. I lack nothing, yet I still complain. (another Youch! God has provided for us every step of this path He has brought us down-yet I have still complained-I mean, Marathon had sold our condo in CA, and we still didn't lose any money in this horrendous market. On top of that, our final settlement came on the Monday before we were kicked out of the country on Saturday-another provision that I cannot forget)!
4. God expects me to learn from my experiences-(My only question is should we return to Africa, since three times we have encountered near misses with either death or prison-Jim's answer is a resounding "No!" He sees it as an opportunity and believes we help more people when we are in Africa, than anywhere else. But, I keep reminding him that we haven't been "called" to do mission work in Africa-and he just chuckles-hmmmm!).
5. Negative attitudes and negative people corrupt a society. (the news media-drive bys as Rush would say-people I have encountered, especially in Malabo who were biting and negative-I cannot afford at this juncture to even entertain negative words or attitudes as Jim and I are pushing to get through this trying time. Although, I would like to see the evil little dictator in Equatorial Guinea and his minions get their comeupance)!
6. Negative people are never satisfied.
7. It's easier to remember the "good old days" and forget the "bad old days." (This was when the children of Israel were wishing that they were back in Egypt even though they were in bondage.
8. Let me see about complaining-I used to complain about cooking everyday in Malabo as I'm not much of a cook and the challenges of cooking from scratch were things I didn't want to deal with. Lesson learned-God gave us restaurants for five weeks during this period of exile, and we are sick of them much like the children of Israel complained about the "manna in the wilderness" and God gave them quail for a month. They were given so much that the got sick! I think I got the message! I also need to be very thankful for the provisions that the oil company has provided us during this period of transition. I haven't been as thankful as I should.
9. Moses brought his complaints to God. I need to do the same instead of complaining to others. IT won't change the situation.
10. The Israelites complained instead of asking God to help them. One of the ladies, Peggy, in the Bible Study small group, shared an instance where she asked God to take care of the details of a problem rather than her just barging in and taking over the situation. When she did that, God answered her prayers. I need to ask God to be in the details of these last few days and show us he "pillar of fire" as we move forward. I still have no idea where we will be this time next week (execpt on this planet). I am a detail person and would like to see the details, but God will have to work this out, and I need to trust in Him for these details.
11. Complaining reveals a lack of trust in God. (Ouch!)
12. God is sovereign. What He allows in my life isn't too hard for Him to handle.

Numbers 12 is about Criticism within the family:

1. Sin always leaves scars.
2. Envy can lead to the disruption of the family. The lesson was about Miriam, Moses' sister, beig envious of Moses' relationship with God and being in charge when she was the "big sis." (hmmmm-some food for thought)! Sin in the heart will manifest on the outside as jealousy, envy, and confusion and lack of communcation. Boy, that sounds like what happened to Jim in Malabo!
3. God defends His own; He doesn't need our help! (Another ouch-I want so badly to defend Jim's innocence in this mess, but God really doesn't need me to do that. I just need to be supportive as his wife and be there for him).
4. If I really trust God, I will wait on Him to work. I am setting in God's hands, and nothing touches me that He doesn't allow.

So, the question to me from all of this is: How much do I really trust in God? The answer, honestly, I don't know. Stay tuned . . .

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! Seems like a great Bible Study. Isn't it amazing that God always places us exactly in the right places to learn more about him?? Sorry I missed it!!
